Frequently Asked Questions


Do you offer international shipping for online orders?

No, we offer local shipping. Please refer to our shipping information page or contact our customer support for specific details and applicable fees.

How long does shipping take for online orders?

Shipping times may vary depending on your location and the shipping method chosen. We strive to process and dispatch online orders within 3-10 business days. You can find more details about shipping durations on our shipping information page.


How can I place an order online?

To place an order online, simply browse our website, select the items you wish to purchase, and add them to your cart. Proceed to the checkout page, provide your shipping information and payment details, and confirm your order.

Do I need an account to place an order?

Yes, an account creation is required to place an order on our website. By creating an account, you will have access to order tracking, order history, and the ability to save your preferences for future purchases. It also helps to streamline the checkout process for faster and easier ordering in the future.

Can I place an order without registering for an account?

Unfortunately, we require customers to create an account before placing an order. This ensures a secure and personalized shopping experience for our customers, allowing them to manage their orders and receive updates conveniently.

Is it mandatory to have an account to make a purchase?

Yes, having an account is mandatory to place an order on our platform. This helps us maintain accurate records of your purchases and enables us to provide better customer service and support.


What is your online return policy?

Our online return policy is designed to ensure customer satisfaction and provide a hassle-free shopping experience. Here are the details:

Conditions for Returns

In order for the items for a return, make sure that the items shall be returned within 7 days upon receipt for the reason factory defective, the items are in the original packaging, and they were not used or damaged by the purchaser. The return request can be rejected if the customer reason is change of mind on their purchase or if they damaged or tampered the items upon receipt.

Return Process

To initiate a return, please visit our website and navigate to the "Returns" section. Follow the instructions provided to generate a return label. Package the item securely and attach the label for shipping.

Return Shipping

Return shipping costs are generally the responsibility of the customer, unless the return is due to our error or a defective product. In such cases, we will provide a prepaid return shipping label.

Processing Time

Once we received the returned item, our tema will inspect it to ensure it meets the Conditions for Returns. The item/s will be replaced within 7 days after the defective on is received and there is an available item on hand.

In an instance that item to be replaced is not available, our customer service will keep in touch for the status until such time that it was successfully be replaced.

Please note that this is a general overview of our return policy.

For complete and up-to-date information, we recommend visiting our website or contacting our customer support team.


What payment methods do you accept for online orders?

We accept payment methods for online orders, Cash on Delivery and online banking transfers. You can choose your preferred payment option during the checkout process.
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